NFTs in the Future World of Web 3.0

NFTs swept the globe in 2021, sparking a digital art revolution and becoming as one of the asset classes with the year's fastest growth rates.

Non-fungible token technology has made it possible for artists to offer digital originals without the use of middlemen and yet be paid royalties on subsequent sales of their work. However, this use-case is only the start of the capabilities non-fungible tokens will offer to the developing web 3.0 industry.

How NFTs are Changing Digital Ownership in the Present

For any asset that is represented by a non-fungible token, including digital assets, NFTs offer a complete history and proof of ownership. This functionality makes it possible to produce distinctive digital goods that are available for sale or purchase on an open market by anyone.

NFTs have already developed in the present to offer increased utility in a number of industries:

  • The secrets keys to online communities
  • Tradable in-game goods
  • Control of your username and other resources in the metaverse

NFTs are laying the groundwork for the digital communities, economies, and assets that will underpin the transition of the internet from web 2.0 to web 3.0.

1. Online Communities and Events Using NFTs

The use of non-fungible tokens as "membership cards" to a virtual community was one of the earliest developments in NFT use cases. Communities of holders naturally emerged around ownership of NFT profile photo collections like Fade Away Bunny and Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC).

On this concept, profile picture NFT collections like Oni Ronin have expanded today, giving owners of the Oni Ronin NFT collection access to special workshops and ceremonies, free airdrops of additional NFTs, and prize raffles.

NFTs have been utilized to grant exclusive access to offline events in addition to online groups and events. The immutable proof of ownership provided by NFTs on the blockchain makes the technology well suited to address significant problems in the realm of event ticketing, such as forging and digital theft.

2. Tradable in-game goods

One of the major industries where NFTs have proved useful for players is in the gaming industry, allowing ownership of paid-for in-game items. NFT "heroes" are available in some projects for gamers to buy, sell, and rent out on the open market.

These NFTs not only give the player ownership over the in-game asset but are also productive assets that can be dispatched on missions to earn the player in-game currency and things. These things can be used to make additional items to empower heroes or traded for digital cash.

NFTs have been integrated into blockchain games like DeFi Kingdoms, Axie Infinity, and Crabada, resulting in the development of thriving in-game economies where NFTs are valued according to their characteristics and statistics, which determine how much cryptocurrency they may earn. In these games, playing more is rewarded because leveling up NFT assets increases profits and increases the likelihood that uncommon and expensive item drops will occur.

3. Control of your username and other resources in the metaverse

Concerned that someone might take your metaverse username? Through the Ethereum Name Service (ENS), NFTs have already made it possible for users to possess unique ".eth" Ethereum wallet addresses. To date, more than 671,000 such addresses have been registered.

These unique addresses, which are NFTs, are integrated into other decentralized services and make complicated wallet addresses more individualized and much simpler to remember.

ENS permits significantly shorter wallet addresses as opposed to lengthy ones like "0x0079784df055a06EC5A76A90b24."

A personal profile like "" that allows users to display and share their NFTs on a decentralized social network is what other projects, like, are using NFTs to give users.

The Metaverse Economy: Facilitating Ownership

Non-fungible tokens are replacing usernames and wallet addresses as the primary form of identification for assets in the metaverse. NFTs are already being used by The Sandbox's metaverse project to depict virtual places, furniture, and a variety of other things.

The Sandbox generated more than $24 million in revenue in March 2022 from the sale of NFTs that represented real estate in the metaverse. Leading companies and well-known individuals from a variety of industries, including Atari, Snoop Dogg, and the South China Morning Post, all owned land in the metaverse.

NFTs are building the groundwork for digital communities, tradeable in-game items, and the metaverse economy while also revolutionizing the ownership and exchange of digital assets.

By the community

What the world needs now is connection. Linking Artists (Mangaka) and Art Lovers (fans) through NFTs.


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