3 Crypto Wallets NFT Collectors Should Have

Most decentralized applications like NFT marketplaces would require you to connect a crypto wallet before you can buy an NFT. This is because NFTs are assets stored on the blockchain, and you need a crypto wallet in order to access them – similar to how you need an ATM card to access money stored in the bank.

Wallets don’t actually hold your NFTs, but rather provide a private key that signifies ownership over your NFTs on the blockchain. The wallet uses your private key to access your NFTs on the blockchain, and provides an interface for you to view and transfer them all in one convenient location.

There are many wallet options out there, and many articles have been written that compare the pros and cons of different wallets. However, to make things easier for you, we’ve picked the 3 best wallets with different functionalities that every NFT collector should have.

MetaMask – Must-Have Wallet for NFT Collectors

MetaMask - A crypto wallet & gateway to blockchain apps

MetaMask is hands down the best wallet available right now for NFT collectors because it is easy to use and is supported by most marketplaces. In addition to storing your NFTs, MetaMask will also provide a way for you to interact with decentralized applications through its browser extension. In fact, any platform you’re likely to buy NFTs from will probably require you to use the Metamask browser extension.

The MetaMask wallet offers several advantages for beginners:

  • Easy to set up and use
  • Clean and intuitive UI
  • You can buy ETH (to pay for NFTs) with a credit/debit card
  • You can create different accounts and switch between them easily
  • You can easily send and receive NFTs by scanning a QR code
  • The mobile version has a built in browser for exploring NFT marketplaces
  • Transactions are synchronized between mobile and browser extension
  • Reliable customer support

Metamask is the wallet you will need to mint or trade NFTs on Trophee.

There are some limitations to the MetaMask wallet. They aren’t a significant concern for new NFT collectors, but are worth keeping in mind as you grow your collection.

Firstly, MetaMask can only be used on Ethereum and Ethereum-compatible blockchains. This is where the vast majority of NFTs live, but there are other blockchains that also support NFTs. If you’re interested in NFT projects on alternate chains, you will need to get a wallet that is compatible with that chain.

Math Wallet – NFT Wallet with Cross-Chain Compatibility

Usage Guide of the Math Wallet - Part II - Bitcoin & Crypto Guide - Altcoin  Buzz

Math Wallet is the closest alternative to MetaMask which has great cross-chain compatibility. It has support for 65 public blockchains, and can be used on web and mobile. The downside to Math Wallet is that it isn’t supported by as many NFT marketplaces.


  • Supports many blockchains
  • Easy syncing with other devices
  • Has a dApp store that makes it easy to access NFT applications
  • Convenient cryptocurrency swapping
  • Integration with hardware devices for extra security*

*MetaMask and Math Wallet are software (hot) wallets. Software wallets make transactions on NFT marketplaces more convenient, but they are connected to the internet, which poses some risk. Hardware (cold) wallets offer better security because they are disconnected from the internet, but it’s harder to use them with dApps and marketplaces.

If you want the extra security that comes with a hardware wallet, we recommend the Ledger Nano wallet.

Ledger Nano – Best Hardware Wallet for NFTs

Ledger continues its security certification program with Ledger Nano X |  Ledger

The Ledger Nano is a range of hardware wallets that allows you to connect with trusted third-party hot wallets like MetaMask and Math Wallet. Your private key is secured by the Ledger device, while your hot wallet allows you to make transactions online.Whenever you use your MetaMask wallet on an NFT marketplace, the Metamask wallet sends a request to your Ledger device, and you can approve the request from within your Ledger wallet – sort of like when your bank sends you a one-time password (OTP) to your mobile phone.

Securing your NFTs

Hardware wallets are the most secure way to store your NFTs, but you also need a wallet that will allow you to interact easily with dApps and NFT marketplaces. As alternate chains like Solana become more popular for NFTs, you may also want a wallet with cross-chain compatibility so you have access to more projects. MetaMask, Math Wallet, and Ledger Nano are therefore the 3 crypto wallets that every collector should have.

By the community

What the world needs now is connection. Linking Artists (Mangaka) and Art Lovers (fans) through NFTs.


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